Extraction et gestion automatiques de la sémantique dans les nuages de points


Dans un contexte de capture de la réalité couplée à l’intelligence artificielle, la présentation s’intéresse au potentiel de recherche passionnant de traitements avancés sur nuages de points 3D, de leur structuration, leur sémantique et les traitements non supervisés. Le travail présentera, entre autres, un modèle interopérable pour la gestion des nuages de points volumineux tout en intégrant la sémantique.

À propos du conférencier

Florent Poux bridges high-level research & knowledge transmission as an adjunct professor in 3D Geodata (University of Liege), a mentor in Data Sciences & Machine Learning (OpenClassrooms) as well as a 3D consultant. He holds an award-winning Ph.D. in Sciences, and an Engineering MS.c. from the CNAM. He has been at the forefront of automation in Reality Capture for more than 10 years and is a researcher decorated by the ISPRS Jack Dangermond 2019 award.

During his young academic and scientific career, he has given dozens of tech talks, served on the scientific & program committee of several international conferences, and assisted as an editor & reviewer for leading international GIS and Automation journals.

His activities aim at transmitting knowledge and solving automation problematics, through various forms of communication and developments. Florent Poux relies on his expertise and a close group of skilled collaborators that share a vision of global cooperation toward the advancement of technological science for a better society.

[Tiré de Point Cloud Lab]